healthy  sweet ideas

great for pregnancy


It’s key to eat a healthy diet during pregnancy and be consistent with it and that includes adding in a healthy dessert. So get ready to tackle your sweet tooth with these dessert recipes!

chocolate  covered strawberries


You can perfectly eat these on their own and call it a day. They’re a treat as they are! But adding chocolate to the mix is a total game-changer.

Apple with peanut butter


Apple and peanut butter are a timeless combination! Both of these foods provide plenty of nutrients needed to support optimal fetal development.

dark chocolate


I’ve already said dark chocolate is an ideal sweet treat during pregnancy! Dark chocolate (70-85% cocoa) is a good source of many nutrients and antioxidants, so consider that a major win!

granola bars


Granola bars are a top choice of many healthy eaters who spend a lot of time on the go. Many of them can double as a sweet treat and can pair well with a meal.

fruit Ice pops


These sweet treats are the perfect snack for a summer afternoon! Not only are ice pops delicious, but they’re also healthy and refreshing.

Check out the link below for all 11 healthy dessert options!