Can You Take Azo Cranberry Pills While Pregnant?

Cranberries have long been studied for their potential health benefits, particularly when it comes to urinary tract infections (UTIs). It is thought that compounds in cranberries, such as proanthocyanidins, may help prevent certain bacteria from adhering to the urinary tract lining, which may lower the likelihood of infection. During pregnancy, hormonal changes and increased pressure on the bladder can make women more susceptible to UTIs.

Many people turn to products like Azo Cranberry Pills or drink cranberry juice in an attempt to manage, prevent, treat, or ease UTI symptoms while pregnant. However, it’s important to note that cranberry is a possible preventive measure to reduce the risk of UTIs. It is not a proven treatment on its own once a UTI is diagnosed. In any case, this poses an important question: Can pregnant women take Azo Cranberry Pills for UTI prevention?

Let’s find out below!

Can You Take Azo Cranberry Pills While Pregnant?

In this blog post, I’m going to discuss whether or not it’s safe for pregnant women to take cranberry pills such as Azo Cranberry Pills. Please note that while Azo is a popular brand of cranberry pills, many other brands are out there, and this information still applies. My number one goal is to give you helpful information that helps you make an informed decision when considering using any cranberry pill supplement during pregnancy. Now, let’s break down what cranberry pills can do, how they work, and any considerations you should know about: 

What Do Azo Cranberry Pills Do?

Azo Cranberry Pills and other similar supplements are marketed to support urinary tract health by providing concentrated cranberry extract. As mentioned above, some research suggests that compounds in cranberries, such as proanthocyanidins, may help prevent certain bacteria from adhering to the bladder wall, which could lower the risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs).

However, evidence of their effectiveness remains mixed. This means they should not be relied upon as a primary preventive or treatment strategy. While these pills aren’t a substitute for antibiotics or medical treatment, they can be a helpful addition to your prevention and care plan. Always talk to your healthcare provider for personalized advice on using cranberry supplements and report any side effects throughout your course of treatment.

Are Azo Cranberry Pills Safe During Pregnancy?

Azo Cranberry Pills and similar brands are generally considered safe during pregnancy. Of course, quality matters, and it’s always important to talk with your healthcare team first. With any supplement choice during pregnancy, we highly encourage only selecting third-party tested options. Additionally, it’s always important to check the “other ingredients”. Some cranberry supplement brands add herbs, nutrients, and other extracts that may or may not be recommended during pregnancy.

There are a few contraindications to cranberry supplements during pregnancy. However, those at risk for kidney stones and on certain medications may be advised to avoid them. On top of this, supplementation with high doses of cranberry extract has not been extensively studied for pregnancy. This would be best to avoid. 

Here are specific supplements to avoid when pregnant.

What Are The Benefits Of Azo Cranberry Pills For Pregnant Women?

Cranberry supplements are marketed to support urinary health, and while research is mixed, they may offer some potential benefits:

  • They may help support urinary tract health
  • Could reduce the risk of recurrent UTIs
  • Might promote a balanced urinary environment (evidence is not conclusive)
  • A gentle and natural option for urinary support

How To Take Azo Cranberry Pills While Pregnant

Before taking any cranberry supplement, including Azo Cranberry Pills, make sure you follow these tips:

Speak to your healthcare provider.

Before you start any new supplements, ESPECIALLY during pregnancy, it’s super important to speak to your healthcare provider or dietitian. They can offer you personalized advice based on your pregnancy history, medical conditions, and other supplements and medications you may be taking. 

Follow the correct dosage recommendations.

It’s super important to follow the recommended dosage on the product label or the direct advice of a healthcare professional. Taking high doses and too many supplements can actually cause adverse effects, so moderation is really important.

Monitor for any potential side effects.

While cranberry supplements are usually safe for most individuals, pregnant women should stay alert and watch for any signs of side effects, like stomach discomfort. If any side effects occur, stop taking the supplement immediately and contact your healthcare provider.

Take a food-first approach.

When possible, start with cranberries as a food before turning to supplements. Whole foods offer other beneficial nutrients and are the safest option. When a supplement is needed, nutrition is still important. Maintaining a balanced diet, consuming probiotic-rich foods, and drinking plenty of water can also help support urinary tract health. Proper nutrition and hydration are essential during pregnancy for other reasons. 

Take a food-first approach to consuming cranberries when possible!

Cranberries are a great addition to your daily meal plan. They provide nutrients to keep you healthy and strong. However, the research on cranberries and UTIs is mixed. Cranberries appear to be more useful in aiding prevention than treatment.

Either way, cranberries as a whole food are a safe addition to your pregnancy diet. We recommend starting here. If you’re interested in cranberry supplements, discuss them with your healthcare team before consuming them during pregnancy.

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