Can You Eat Sushi When Trying To Conceive?

Can You Eat Sushi When Trying To Conceive?

Unfortunately, many Americans and people around the world face challenges when trying to conceive. According to The World Health Organization (WHO), it is estimated that approximately one in six couples are affected by infertility. Nutrition can play an important role in factors related to fertility for both men and women. Additionally, what you eat both before and during your pregnancy can impact your health and your baby’s development. This is one reason eating a balanced and nourishing diet is important for preparing your body for conception and supporting a healthy pregnancy.

However, with all of the fertility and pregnancy myths floating around, it can be hard to know what to eat, when it’s safe to eat, and if it will affect your fertility or future little one. This holds true for sushi, too! The relationship between fish, fertility, and pregnancy has long been controversial.

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Fish is recommended as part of a fertility-friendly diet! This is because of its omega-3 fatty acids, quality protein, and other essential nutrients. However, it is true that not all seafood is created equal when it comes to fertility and pregnancy. Some seafood contains high levels of mercury and is best avoided during this time. This can make it hard to determine which fish and shellfish are safe and which you want to avoid. 

In this post, we will examine the specifics of whether it’s safe to eat sushi while trying to conceive and during pregnancy. We will also guide you through some ways to enjoy sushi safely to help you feel confident navigating this topic during preconception and pregnancy. 

Can You Eat Sushi When Trying To Conceive?

Can You Eat Sushi When Trying To Conceive?

Eating sushi while trying to conceive (and pregnant) can be safe with a few precautions. In fact, many types of sushi offer beneficial and bioavailable nutrients for fertility.

Not all sushi contains seafood, but many types do. If you choose sushi options that contain seafood, it’s recommended to stick with mostly low-mercury seafood. Some fish, like ahi tuna, contain high levels of mercury, which are best avoided while trying to conceive or pregnant. Limiting your intake of high-mercury fish starting during preconception is a good idea. Instead, choose sushi with low-mercury fish, like salmon or shrimp.

The next consideration is food safety and quality. Raw fish can sometimes carry harmful bacteria or parasites that might affect your health. This becomes even more important to consider during pregnancy because we are slightly more susceptible to contracting foodborne illness while pregnant. Additionally, while overall rare, contracting an illness like listeriosis during pregnancy can be very serious.

To minimize the risk of foodborne illness, ensure the sushi is prepared in a clean, reputable restaurant that flash-freezes their fish for 24 hours before use (the standard protocol for safe sushi). Cooked rolls are also a great option!

Tips for Eating Sushi While Trying To Conceive

How To Eat Sushi While Trying To Get Pregnant

Choose cooked sushi options.

One of the simplest ways to reduce the risk of contracting foodborne illness from sushi while trying to get pregnant and during pregnancy is to choose cooked sushi options. Cooking helps to kill potentially harmful bacteria. It’s always advised to avoid raw shellfish and raw sprouts during this time. 

However, if you’re only craving rolls with raw fish, you may be in luck! Rolls with raw fish such as salmon or fish eggs are extremely nutrient-dense, providing tons of amazing DHA for fertility and for the baby’s brain to grow during pregnancy. Raw fish in sushi should be flash-frozen for at least 24 hours, greatly reducing the risk of growing parasites or other types of bacteria. Whether someone feels more comfortable avoiding or including this option is ultimately a personal choice.

Try homemade sushi.

If you’d prefer to make your own sushi at home, ensure the fish you eat is correctly prepared and handled. Use fresh, high-quality ingredients and prioritize cooked and low-mercury fish. Purchase your fish from a reputable source and ensure it is fresh and has been held at the appropriate temperature, not left sitting out. 

Proper handling and hygiene are essential to staying food safe.

Tips for Eating Sushi While Trying To Conceive

Cook shellfish thoroughly.

Lobster rolls, scallop rolls, and spicy shrimp rolls all have something in common: shellfish. It’s important to always thoroughly cook shellfish to eliminate potentially harmful bacteria, parasites, and other pathogens. Try grilling, baking, or steaming shellfish until it reaches an internal temperature of 145°F (63°C).

This temperature is known to kill potentially harmful bacteria and pathogens. Cooking your shellfish before you add it to the sushi roll helps to avoid the risk of getting sick while trying to conceive (and during pregnancy).

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Use separate equipment. 

To avoid cross-contamination, use separate cutting boards, knives, and utensils when preparing sushi with raw and cooked ingredients. This will help you maintain a food-safe environment. Also, ensure all equipment is cleaned and sanitized before and after use. 

Make sure you’re eating from a reputable source.

When out and about eating sushi, choose a reputable source and restaurant, typically one that is more expensive, unfortunately. Ensure you’re eating from a restaurant with great hygiene standards and reviews. It should be a place you feel comfortable with and trust. This should help to minimize the risk of foodborne illnesses.

Avoid high-mercury seafood choices.

Avoid shark, king mackerel, ahi or bigeye tuna, swordfish, marlin, and tilefish, as these fish contain large amounts of mercury. Exposure to high levels of mercury may impact hormonal health and fertility. Stick with low-mercury seafood options during both preconception and pregnancy. 

Want to feel more confident navigating nutrition during preconception and pregnancy?

Well, there you have it! Sushi can be a safe and beneficial option while trying to conceive. If you enjoy sushi, following these simple tips can help minimize food safety risks and mercury exposure. These are both important topics during preconception and pregnancy. If you’re feeling stuck on how to fuel your body during preconception and pregnancy, check out my FREE One-Week Meal Plan

After testing the waters with the free meal plan, join and download  The Prenatal Nutrition Library app. There, you’ll gain access to plenty of resources about preconception and pregnancy nutrition. You can find answers to your questions about vitamins and minerals, supplements, what you can eat, what you should avoid eating, and more so you feel 100% confident in what you eat before and during pregnancy. We can’t wait to see you inside!

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