Can You Eat Squid During Pregnancy? Asked and Answered

Can You Eat Squid During Pregnancy? Asked and Answered

Eating a well-balanced diet during pregnancy benefits both you and your developing baby. What you eat supplies nutrients that support both your health and the health of your developing baby. Eating a wide range of foods can help you get all the nutrients needed for a healthy pregnancy. 

The tough part is that so much of pregnancy nutrition focuses on what NOT to eat. It can be hard to know what you can and cannot safely eat during pregnancy. Seafood is a category of food that can often lead to confusion for pregnant women. Many pregnant women wonder what seafood is safe during pregnancy.

Good news! While there are a few higher-mercury seafood choices that should be avoided, there are many low-mercury options that are safe and nutritious for pregnancy.

Today, we will focus on a specific seafood choice – squid. Let’s dive into all the information you need to know about eating squid (calamari) during pregnancy and if it’s safe to include it in your diet while pregnant.

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benefits & tips for eating squid during pregnancy

Can You Eat Squid During Pregnancy? 

Can pregnant women safely eat squid during pregnancy? Well, with a few precautions, yes! Calamari and other types of squid are safe to eat while pregnant as long as they are fully cooked. It can be beneficial to include it in your pregnancy diet. 

It is a great source of high-quality protein, which is needed for the growth and development of the baby as well as to promote balanced blood sugar and satiety for the mom. Squid is also packed with important nutrients like vitamin B12, which supports nervous system health, and minerals such as selenium and zinc, which help to support a healthy immune system, among other functions. It is not the highest omega-3-containing seafood choice, but it does supply some. Omega-3s, in particular DHA, are crucial for brain development. 

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recognizes squid as a safe, low-mercury seafood choice for pregnant women, as long as it’s cooked thoroughly to kill potentially harmful bacteria and pathogens that could cause foodborne illnesses. It is important to know that raw squid, like any raw shellfish, is not recommended during pregnancy. Calamari is often deep-fried, but it can be served raw, so that’s something to keep an eye out for. 

Find out more about the benefits of calamari during pregnancy below!

8 Squid Benefits in Pregnancy

A Roundup of Squid Benefits in Pregnancy

Nutrient-Rich Food Source

Squid is a great source of essential nutrients during pregnancy. It provides high-quality protein, vitamins, and minerals, like vitamin B12 and vitamin A, as well as minerals like potassium and iron. All of these provide you and your baby with the critical nutrients you need during pregnancy.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Squid is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids crucial for brain development and function. Omega-3s, like DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), help with the development of your baby’s nervous system and can help to support cognitive development. They also have anti-inflammatory properties, help reduce inflammation, and support overall health during pregnancy.

Low in Mercury

As we said above, squid has far lower levels of mercury than larger fish. Mercury can accumulate in your body, potentially delaying and affecting your baby’s development, so avoid large amounts from fish like swordfish, marlin, ahi tuna, or king mackerel. 

Supports Healthy Weight Management

Comparatively, squid is lower in calories and fat, making it an excellent option for volume eating to help a healthy weight gain during pregnancy. It’s a delicious, easy-to-prepare source of nutrients with many benefits.

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Boosts Immune Function

Squid is high in zinc, helping you maintain a healthy immune system. Getting the right amount of zinc helps develop and function immune cells, which can help your body fight infections. This is important to help mom and baby fight infections and illnesses.

Enhances Skin and Bone Health

Squid is very helpful for skin and bone health thanks to the amounts of selenium, vitamin E, calcium, and phosphorus. Having things to support your skin during pregnancy can be very helpful when hormonal changes threaten to change your skin condition. As for your bones, the nutrients from squid, like calcium and phosphorus, can support your baby’s skeletal development and help mom maintain her bone density. 

Improves Circulation

Thanks to its high iron content, squid greatly improves your circulation. Good blood circulation is super important for both mom and baby’s health, and correct iron intake can help prevent anemia and ensure both have enough oxygen and nutrients.

5 Tips for Eating Squid During Pregnancy

Tips for Eating Squid During Pregnancy

Choose fresh, high-quality squid.

When eating squid during pregnancy, you must ensure it is safe. Only choose fresh, high-quality squid from a reputable source. It should have no foul odor and have a firm, shiny flesh. 

Properly clean and prepare the squid.

Properly cleaning and preparing the squid is another important tip. This is essential to avoid any foodborne illnesses. Rinse it thoroughly under running water and remove any inedible parts like the beak and internal organs. Or, if possible, buy it already prepared.

Cook squid thoroughly.

Squid that is not cooked thoroughly can be full of harmful bacteria for you and your baby. Avoid raw squid, as it can be dangerous for you, as with any seafood. Fully cooked squid that has been deep fried, sauteed, grilled, or boiled needs to reach an internal temperature of at least 145°F (63°C) to be safe. Cook it until it is opaque and firm, not until it is tough and rubbery.

Avoid excessive consumption.

While squid is very nutritious, it’s important to consume it in moderation, like anything else in pregnancy! Consume at least two servings of fish per week, but get various options, especially those higher in omega-3s like salmon or trout. 

Be cautious with additives.

When preparing your squid for consumption, be mindful of the sauces and seasonings you use. Some sauces, like soy sauce or teriyaki sauce, can be pretty high in sodium, which isn’t ideal during pregnancy. Instead, choose low-sodium alternatives or use herbs and spices to flavor your squid. 

Can You Eat Squid During Pregnancy?

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Guidance on what you can and can’t eat during pregnancy is hugely helpful. This is why I created The Prenatal Nutrition Library App: to help you feel confident about your diet during pregnancy, supporting your health and your growing baby’s health! 

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